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I Love Ferry

Fred Olsen

Fred Olsen

Fred Olsen

Since the birth of "Ferry Gomera, S.A." in 1974, Fred. Olsen has maintained his conviction for the development of maritime transport in the Canary Islands.

A philosophy that aimed to unite them between their closest points, at the highest possible speed, and offering maximum comfort. Specifically, it was on July 8, 1974 with the inauguration of the ferry between San Sebastián de La Gomera and Los Cristianos in Tenerife, when the bet took off. Thus began Fred's maritime commitment. Olsen with the Canarian community.

After a few years, and the service between Tenerife and La Gomera was consolidated, a stage of expansion began throughout the Canary Islands.

Currently Fred. Olsen, S.A. With its maritime activity, it has achieved the objective of being present in the majority of the Canary Islands, offering what it initially proposed: comfort, speed and quality of service; all this united from its origins to the concern for sustainability and care for the environment.

Fred. Olsen Express works with five maritime lines leading the inter-island passenger and cargo market, transporting more than 3,000,000 people, 60,000 pets, 1 million passenger cars and about 100,000 cargo vehicles per year, according to 2022 data.

A maritime service made up only of fast, state-of-the-art ships. A spectacular transport concept that links the Canary Islands, making Fred. Olsen Express in Your Best Company and in that of the more than 80 million passengers who have trusted the shipping company in its almost half century of history.  

Likewise, since 2018 it has linked the Archipelago with the Iberian Peninsula, connecting the capital islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife with Huelva.

I Love Ferry

Best company to buy your tickets