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I Love Ferry


Balearia offer with car 20 % discount

Balearia offer with car 20 % discount

Enjoy a 20% discount to travel with your car all year round to the Balearic Islands. Use the discount code LASTCALL and take advantage of this offer. With it you can travel from the Balearia ports on the peninsula (Denia...
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30% discount to the Balearic Islands by ferry to the Balearic Islands

30% discount to the Balearic Islands by ferry to the Balearic Islands

30% discount to the Balearic Islands by ferry with Balearia. Get into summer mode and take advantage of this Balearia offer, for a very limited time. Travel by fast ferry to the Balearic Islands and enjoy a 30% discount ...
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ferry Denia Ibiza discount 35%

ferry Denia Ibiza discount 35%

Get up to 35% discount on the Balearia ferry that runs the route between Denia and Ibiza. If you are already a member of the club, this is your opportunity. Until the reservation period ends or the number of places assig...
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