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I Love Ferry


Valencia Mostaganem 20% discount

Valencia Mostaganem 20% discount

Published on 24 July 2024 ·


Valencia Mostaganem ferry 20% discount

Use this Promotional Code
Valencia Mostaganem ferry 20% discount Valencia Mostaganem ferry 20% discount Valencia Mostaganem discount 20% ARGELIA20 boat Valencia Mostaganem discount 20% ARGELIA20 Balearia Valencia Mostaganem discount 20% ARGELIA20 Valencia Mostaganem ferry offer 20% ARGELIA20 Valencia Mostaganem offer 20% ARGELIA20 ARGELIA20 20% ARGELIA20 357.50 298.59 ES InStock EUR 2024-07-01 ferry Valencia Mostaganem: 20 percent discount to travel to Algeria with Balearia ferry Valencia Mostaganem: 20 percent discount to travel to Algeria with Balearia

Travel to Algeria this summer with a 20% discount with this great offer from Balearia. This offer is valid for passengers and for your car fare. These offer spots are very limited, so find out now which date and time best suit your needs. This year, there are up to 3 departures per week, giving you many more options and seats to travel to Mostaganem.

Are you one of those who travel in a cabin on the ferry from Valencia to Mostaganem? You should also know that this year you can travel in a cabin at the price of a seat and that your early booking may include a free meal.

Offer conditions
20% discount with the promotional code ARGELIA20
valid for round-trip bookings for travel with a car
valid for round-trip bookings for travel without a car
for booking until 01 July 2024
for travel until 30 September 2024
Valid for the route ferry Valencia Mostaganem
Offer not valid for open return trips.
Does not allow cancellations Does not allow annulments
Changes allowed with change penalty. Changes allowed with re-tariff penalty
Very limited spots. Book in advance

Summer is approaching and hundreds of Algerians want to go to Algeria to enjoy their holidays with family and friends. One of the best options to travel from Spain to Algeria is with Balearia. Balearia has 2 ships, with up to 3 departures per week in summer, connecting the city of Valencia with the port of Mostaganem in Algeria. This offer is for those of you looking for the cheapest price on the ferry from Valencia to Mostaganem.

Right now, Balearia has published an offer that gives you a 20% discount on the price of ferry tickets to Mostaganem for round-trip journeys. This is a summer offer that you can enjoy when travelling until 30 September 2024 without any summer dates being excluded. By entering the promotional code "ARGELIA20" in the "Promotional Code" section of the schedule and price search engine, and if you meet the conditions, the corresponding discount will be added to the final price of your booking. With this discount, you will save 20 percent on the ticket price for both passengers and your car if you make a round-trip journey.

This is a great offer valid for travel throughout the summer (from July to September) and is valid whether you travel with or without a car to Algeria. It can also be applied to other types of vehicles (4x4, SUV, vans, motorcycles, caravans, ...).

It is also very important to note that this offer is valid for any type of accommodation you want to book (whether it is a café seat, chair or cabin). With this offer, you can travel to Algeria in a comfortable cabin at the price of a seat. It is an ideal offer if you are travelling with more adults or with children. Travelling in a cabin provides you with more privacy and you can sleep and leave all your belongings during the crossing.

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Terms and conditions of this offer:

  • The promotional code ARGELIA20 gives you a 20 percent discount on the final price of your Balearia ferry tickets on the route from Valencia (Spain) to Mostaganem (Algeria).
  • The 20% discount is valid for tickets for passenger reservations as well as for trips with a car to Algeria from Valencia.
  • The reservation must be for a round-trip journey. Not applicable to open return reservations.
  • This offer is valid for the route between Valencia and Mostaganem with Balearia. The offer is not valid for the route Mostaganem Valencia
  • The deadline to make the reservation is 01 July 2024
  • With this offer, you can travel from 01 July to 30 September 2024
  • This offer allows changes but with a change penalty and re-tariffing of prices.
  • However, this offer does not allow cancellations or annulments.
  • Very limited spots. Always book in advance.

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To which routes is applied this offer?
Valencia - Mostaganem
When finishes this offer?
This offer finishes on 30/09/2024

Check the departure dates and fares of this ferry route

Next departure: 22/02/2025