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Melilla Almeria ferry

If you want to travel from Melilla to Almeria, you must embark with Balearia or Armas (Armas Trasmediterránea or Naviera Armas). There are 1 to 3 departures per day connecting Melilla with Almeria. These ferries make the journey during the day. Both Balearia and Naviera Armas have a fast ferry that takes only 5 hours to cover this route, Melilla-Almería. The departure times for the fast ferry are usually at 15:30 hours with arrival in Almeria at 20:30 hours with Balearia, and at 17:00 hours with arrival in Almeria at 22:30 hours with Naviera Armas. There is not a fast ferry between Melilla and Almeria every day. The weekday departure time for Naviera Armas is at 13:00 hours with arrival in Almeria around 20:00 hours - from Monday to Thursday - while the departure time for the Balearia ferry is around 13:00 hours with arrival in Almeria at 21:30 hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.


The price for the Melilla-Almeria ferry starts from 14.00 euros in a seat and from 54.00 euros in a cabin per person per journey, if you are a resident of Melilla. Remember that Melilla residents only need to indicate their resident status in the search engine for the price to be updated and the discount applied. If you are a resident of Melilla and the SARA system does not recognise you as such, you must present your residence certificate at the ticket offices to receive the discount. For non-residents of Melilla, the cheapest price for the Melilla-Almeria ferry starts from 49.00 euros per person per journey, in a seat, with Armas Trasmediterránea and Balearia.


Melilla Almería Ferry Information

Port of Melilla Calle Muelle de Ribera, nº1, 52001, Melilla, Spain
Port of Almeria Muelle de la Ribera, s/n, 04002, Almería, Spain
Departures 1 to 3 daily departures
Duration 5 to 8 hours
Distance Melilla Almería 176 km
Cheapest price from 49€ one way
Average price 89€ round trip
Price with car from 86€ one way
Resident price from 14€ one way

Ferry operators on this route:

Balearia  Naviera Armas


How long does the Melilla to Almería ferry take?

The fastest Melilla to Almería ferry takes 5 hours to connect Melilla with the mainland.

Both Balearia and Armas Trasmediterránea have one departure per week where the duration of the crossing is only 5 hours. With Armas Trasmediterránea, it is usually on Fridays, and with Balearia, it is usually on Saturdays. These schedules can vary depending on the time of year.

The best way to know the schedules for the route between Melilla and Almería, the daily options with each ferry company, and the total duration of the crossings is to check our ferry companies and schedules search engine.


Melilla to Almería ferry: Armas Trasmediterránea

Naviera Armas, also known simply as Armas or Armas Trasmediterránea, is a ferry company that connects Melilla and Almería in southern Spain. Almería is one of the mainland cities connected by ferry to the autonomous city of Melilla. For many years, the ferry route was operated by Trasmediterránea (known to many as Transmediterránea or La Trasme) until Naviera Armas acquired the company.

It is quite common for ferry routes like this, Melilla to Almería, to refer to or hear about Naviera Armas, Trasmediterránea, or even both together, often sharing logos of both companies. It is quite usual that, even we, refer to the Melilla to Almería ferry as Trasmediterránea when it is actually operated by Naviera Armas.

Therefore, the best way to know which ferry companies operate on which dates and their schedules for each route is to perform a search on our schedules and prices search engine, which will provide all the information you need in just a few seconds.

Melilla to Almeria: schedule

All the info and schedules of the MELILLA ALMERIA route.

Shipping companies that make the crossing and ship that makes it, cheapest price, departure time from Melilla and arrival time to Almeria.

Melilla - Almería ferry

1 to 3 daily departures

How long is a Melilla - Almería ferry ride?

5 hours - 8 hours

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Melilla - Almería ferry information

Melilla - Almería ferry prices

Melilla - Almería ferry services


Melilla Almería
Departure hour Departure dates
February 2025: 25th, 25th, 26th, 26th, 28th, 28th
March 2025: 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 7th, 7th, 11th, 11th, 12th, 12th, 14th, 14th, 18th, 18th, 19th, 19th, 21st, 21st, 25th, 25th, 26th, 26th, 28th, 28th

Indicative schedules and subject to variation by the ferry company for operational reasons without prior notice.

Ferry companies

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